Showing posts with label Internet Support. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Internet Support. Show all posts

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Microsoft Edge Browser Support For Dahua, Hikvision And More

Using Microsoft Edge in Internet Explorer Mode is the best option as Chrome is not always compatible.

First open Microsoft Edge then type the IP address of the camera in my case

It came back with this error message:

You will need to enable Internet explorer mode in Microsoft Edge

Click on the "three dots" in the top right then scroll down till you find "Reload in Internet Explorer mode".

If you get the below dialog box, enable "Open this page in Compatibility view" and "Open this page in Internet Explorer Mode", then click "Manage" Do not click done, Yet.

Here is where you add all the cameras IP addresses click "Add"

As you can see, I have added quite a few cameras. you must include the Http://

If you need to get back to this page to add more cameras you only need to go the "three dots" in the top right, then go to "Settings" then "Default Browser."

Now log into your camera in my case it was and make sure you don't add the 
/notSupported.asp only
Also, don't be tempted to click on the "Open in Microsoft Edge" otherwise you will undo all the work you've done, this message will only come up when you are viewing your cameras anyway.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Removing Do Not Disturb Bell Notification Icon From Google Chrome In Taskbar

Run Chrome
In the url at top type:   chrome://flags/

Press CTRL and F

This will bring up find

Type: Enable Synced Notifications into the find search field

Change this to Disabled

At the bottom of the screen click Relaunch Now


Friday, September 13, 2013

Pin A Website To The Taskbar

You can easily pin a website by dragging the favicon icon to the taskbar, but this doesn't create a separate icon.

In this example I will create a website shortcut to and pin this to the taskbar.

Right click on the desktop, go to new, then shortcut.

Where it says (Type the locations of the items)
paste this   %windir%\explorer.exe
press next, name it say Tunein, press finish.

Right click on the Tunein, go to properties, the select shortcut,the select change icon, choose an icon or as I did, downloaded the tunein favicon from :
click the browse button and find the newly downloaded favicon icon, click ok, then ok again.

Now drag the newly created desktop shortcut to the taskbar.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

windows/system32/config/system file is missing

After using combofix to remove those hidden stubborn viruses you get the message windows/system32/config/system file is missing.
Please note that if you have got to this, most likely you have some bad viruses.
First take out the drive place it into another pc virus check it first then back up all your files.
Even though you may get your pc going again you will probably need to re-install XP.

Try this at your own risk, it worked for me

You will need to boot the system into the recovery console

1. Place the Windows XP cd into drive
2. Turn the computer off
3. Setup the computer to boot from cd by pressing F2 or F9 or Delete to get into the bios.
Dell computers use F12.
4. You will get a message to "Press any key to boot from the cd" Press enter.
5. Windows setup will initialize
6. You will see a " Welcome to Setup screen" press R to repair windows using recovery console.
7. Setup examines your hard drive.
8. You will be prompted to choose a Windows installation. Press 1 on the top of the keyboard and then
9. If you are asked to enter the Administrator password then enter now. Press Enter if you have no password.
10. From the dos promp enter

chkdsk /p (gap between k and /)

11. Type exit this will reboot the pc.

12. Press F8 to enter safe mode, scroll down to the option "Advanced Options Menu".
13. Choose the Last Known Good Configuration.
14. If this did not boot into xp return to Windows recovery console.
15. From Dos prompt

cd  \

cd system~1

If you get error message access denied, follow instructions below otherwise go to 19.

cd windows

cd system32
cd config

ren system system.bak

16. Type exit this will restart the computer.

17. Return to covery console
18. From Dos prompt enter
cd  \
cd system~1

19. Type

cd _resto~1

20. If you get an error that there is no restore points follow steps below

cd  \

cd windows

cd system32

cd config

copy c:\windows\repair\system system

21. If you are get a message "file not found error"

copy c:\windows\repair\system.bak system

copy c:\windows\repair\security security

copy c:\windows\repair\software software

copy c:\windows\repair\sam sam

copy c:\windows\repair\default default


22. Reboot, all should work

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Pc keeps rebooting

This will most likely be a virus which has caused you to loose important files needed for booting the pc

This may get you back up and going again, but you will need to back up your files first.

Take the drive out of the pc and and place into another pc to get those files backup.

You can use an removable docking station like this one. It connects via a usb lead.

You may have only damaged the boot up part of the drive, your information will hopefully still there.

Do not go any further until you have backed up your important files.

You have a pc that will not boot or keeps rebooting xp pro
Quickest way to fix it with too much work is to take the drive out place it into another xp machine.
Make sure you have the boot order right.
If you are unsure, while the power to the pc is off connect the sata power cable only. Once you have rebooted and the pc is operational, connect the sata data cable.
This will now detect as second drive.
Right mouse on that drive, Properties, then tools, then check volume for errors, then press now and tick both boxes.
It will now probably tell you that it will check for errors on next boot.
After it has rebooted and all it has fixed all errors, shutdown the pc
Remove drive and place it back into the original pc, all should be ok.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Yahoo Mail Spam Settings

Yahoo mail spam filter is not easy to find
As of  8/12/10 here is how
Login to yahoo
On the right just below yahoo web search click on options then mail options
On the left click on spam
Adjust the settings as needed

Yahoo mail is now Yahoo7 mail
Yahoo7 mail has better spam protection and more added features.
The Spam setting is easily found in this new version, once you login, the options tab is on the main page, click on it and scroll to spam.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Windows Explorer Icon Has Changed Windows 7

You noticed that your windows explorer pinned icon has changed in the taskbar in windows 7.

Here is the fix

Right click on the icon in the taskbar.

Right click on windows explorer

Click properties

Copy the information in the target area, should look like this : %windir%\explorer.exe

Re paste it back in the target area and press apply you should see your icon re- appear

Thursday, November 4, 2010

VoIP 7404vg0-m TPG

I just got connected with naked ADSL it took approx. 3 weeks.

This was not to bad, we did have Internet tethering through our iPhone during that time.

Anyway we got our settings by the 2nd week and I placed them into the modem, as well as the Voip settings for the phone.

The modem is a Billion 7404vg0-m.

VoIP Wizard

Voice QoS

DSCP Marking = Premium
Setting for Phone Port 1 Select Profile

SIP Service Provider = 

Phone Number = given to you by your provider

Authentication Username = same as Phone Number

Authentication Password  = given to you by your provider

Setting for Phone Port 2 = Same as Phone Port 1


General Settings

SIP Device Parameters Advanced

SIP = Enable
Silence Suppression (VAD) = Disable

Echo Cancellation = Enable
RTP Port = 5100
Region = Australia

DSCP Marking = Premium

Setting for Phone Port 1 Select Profile

SIP Service Provider =

Phone Number = given to you by your provider

Authentication Username = same as Phone Number

Authentication Password = given to you by your provider

Setting for Phone Port 2 = Same as Phone Port 1

If your having troubles check your status tab in the modem

Port Status  should show Ethernet, adsl, wireless, phone 1& phone 2 should have a tick. If you do not have a tick, then login to your Tpg account and reset the password. This password is not your modem password.
Just create new password it will work. Be aware if you change settings you must press the sync button in the general settings then apply and reset modem. Also note that the Internet connects first them the phone takes another 20 seconds or so after that,so be patient.

All worked first go for me, but when I dialled a mobile number it would not work.
All landlines worked fine & even dialling from a mobile to home worked.
I rang Tpg, they asked me to try it a few times as they tried a few changes, by the third time i needed to wait 15 minutes the said and it should work. It did.


Questions people want to know

Can you use your standard telephone that was previously used before you got naked adsl.
I was using a Uniden digital Clarity 5.8Ghz on a telstra line adsl2 & now that I have naked dsl it still works.

How do you dial to a land line
Make sure you put an area code Eg 0399999999

How do you dial to a mobile number
Just dial as normal Eg.0401444444

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New Tab IE8 Hijacked

When you click on a new tab, its meant to show "about:Tabs" by default

If you get this is how to repair it.
Open Regedit and go to : HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\AboutURLs
On the right pane double click on the tabs value and change it to : res://ieframe.dll/tabswelcome.htm.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Port Checker

Ever wanted to check what ports are open on your pc

Go to : or
then click on the services tab and then sheildsup under that tab.
Now move to the bottom of the page and press proceed.
In the middle of the page click on "All Service Ports" to check the first 1056 ports.

Otherwise download this tool to individually check if a  port is open.

Here is a list of commonly used ports :

Monday, July 26, 2010

Tpg Usage Meter

Tpg =

Usage meter shows you your Peak, Off peak and Remaining Days

Just enter into the settings your user name password

Shows peak and off peak limits

The program will do the rest.

Universal Usage Meter =

Not sure how secure this is, as a browser addin.

Has been working fine though.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Adding Run As Admin & Grant Full Control

Run As Administrator

Sometimes there is a need when fixing a problem, to run it in administrator mode.
You can hold down shift + control then enter or add run as administrator in the right click context menu.

You should only use the run as administrator when absolutely necessary.

Adding Run as Administrator in the right click context menu

Other Sites :

This adds a right click take ownership to the context menu

This is just as dangerous be careful when using this.

This adds a right click take ownership to the context menu

This removes the right click take ownership in the context menu

Friday, July 16, 2010

List Of Run Commands For The Windows Cpl Msc

To use the run commands.

Go to start then run, if you cannot see run in your start menu then right click on start then properties then start menu customize, tick run command (windows 7) xp should be similar.

Copy and past a command into run and press enter.

eg: "Appwiz.Cpl" will open Add/Remove Programs.

Some commands will only work in xp so please check to see that it works in your version of windows.

Xlsx =

Xls =

Windows Run Commands

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Safely Remove Icon Will Not Show

In xp go to start then run paste this in hit enter = %windir%\system32\RUNDLL32.exe SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll = This is only a temporary fix : you will need to run each time.

In Windows 7 go to start then past into search programs and files = %windir%\system32\RUNDLL32.exe SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll = This is only a temporary fix : you will need to run each time.

If you want a shortcut on your desktop copy this code into a txt document and save as .bat.

Right click on the desktop : create a New Text Document : copy this code = (%windir%\system32\RUNDLL32.exe SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll ) into the text document the save as - safely remove.bat.

Now all you need to do is click on the icon that says "safely remove".

Google Calendar Import From Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook export to csv to use in google calendar

Open Microsoft Outlook click on calendar tab left hand side down the bottom.
Go to file : import and export
Then : export to a file : next : comma separated values Windows : next
Make sure calendar is highlighted : next : click browse
In the file name type icalendar.csv : place in the folder of your choice.
Click map custom fields : Assuming all your calendar info. is setup right
All field information & mapped from information should match up.
Click ok then finish then ok again.
Log into your google account : setup a new google calendar.
Click on google calendar : on the left hand panel/column : under other calendars
Click add : import calendar : click browse : go to icalendar.csv saved earlier : press import.
Should say processed ... events : successfully imported ... events.
The close button may not work, just close page down manually.
All done

Monday, April 12, 2010

Pin Url To Windows 7 Taskbar

Fixed = An easier way now with Internet Explorer 9 - They are finally listening


Want to Pin a url to windows 7 taskbar but can only pin a program, its annoying isn't it.
I've been able to work out a way using some information from "pin individual folders to the windows 7 taskbar" & then working out the rest.
(**********Please try this at your own risk***********)
say we want a Facebook icon on taskbar
1. go to facebook and drag the url small icon next to it to ( c:/Users/User(your pc's name/Appdata/Roaming/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Quick Launch/User Pinned /Taskbar )
now go to the desktop create a txt file name it say facebook.exe make sure you have you have extension turned on in folder options or it will only save it as txt file.
it will ask you to confirm the name extension to exe say yes.
if you have done it right you will see a picture icon not a txt icon.
drag the icon onto the taskbar
right click on the picture and then right click again on facebook go to properties
Leave this open go back to (c:/users/user(your pc's name/appdata/roaming/microsoft/internet explorer/quick launch/user pinned/taskbar)
You will find two names labelled facebook (shortcut) & the other something like log in facebook(internet shortcut).
You need the internet shortcut right mouse on it go to properties then go to the general tab
right mouse on the location address (eg c:\users\user\appdata\roaming\mic........) press sellect all then copy & past into the facebook properties windows you have open.(also take note of the name of the internet shortcut mine was Welcome to Facebook)
You need delete and paste this in the target location it should look like this
c:\users\user your pc's name\appdata\roaming\microsoft\internet explorer\quick launch\user pinned\taskbar\ (but at the end of this you will need to add the description in the internet shortcut. It should look like this (c:\users\user your pc's name\appdata\roaming\microsoft\Internet explorer\quick launch\user pinned\taskbar\Welcome to Facebook.url) make sure there is no quotation marks.
Done link in the taskbar should work. Now to fix the picture.
Download "Sib Icon Editor", there is a free trial version on web or whatever icon maker you like
open new icon 48x 48 minimize, now go to Google, key in ,go to images, then show options, then click on icon, find an icon about 48 x 48 right mouse, then copy and past into the icon program, now save as facebook.ico into the c:\windows directory.If you have trouble coping the facebook.ico file to the windows directory go to control panel then user accounts then change user account control settings(uac) then reduce security so the file can be copied, after woods place back to the original position..
Right mouse on the new Facebook shortcut url on the taskbar then right mouse on Facebook then properties then shortcut then click on change icon press browse the windows directory and find the Facebook icon press ok. Now this is the weird thing the icon doesn't always appear straight away but trust me it will.