Monday, June 11, 2012

Sharing Files With Friend

You are probably using dropbox but are unhappy with the upload speed.

Here it is ccfile transfer.


On the left hand side Choose My Friend, go to Account, then New account, add user name and password, click OK.

I have created Michael in this example.

On the left hand side again choose File Share, then from the top menu choose Share, then new file share, click browser, choose the file you want to share, click Auth then click OK.

Now on the top menu, click on options, then settings, choose a port number to use, I have used 5555, select Auto Run and Enable Internet Access, click OK.

Time to setup the modem.

Login to your modem.

I have created 2 entries, one in Firewall / Packet Filter and one in Virtual server / Port Forwarding.

In the Virtual server / port forwarding I have added the PC with ccfile running ( and port 5555 as seen above.

To see if this is working locally open Internet explorer and in the URL, type your local ip address and the port number you used EG. http192.168.103.1:5555

To test this externally got to ccfile, at the top you will see copy url, press it, Go to Internet explorer and paste into the URL Eg : http:// yourexternal ip:5555/download.htm?file=mylarge file.iso

This is the URL you would give to the other person to download your file.

A security window will appear key in the user and password you created earlier.


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