Sunday, June 10, 2012

Delete Vpn Users Windows 7

You created a Vpn  incoming connection in windows 7 then deleted the Vpn connection but the user still appears.

The user does not appear in control panel user accounts either.

What you need to do is create a new Vpn account again using that user then delete the user first before you delete the Vpn connection.

Right click on Network, then properties, then change adapter settings.

File, new incoming connections, click add someone, enter user name and passwords.

Next, tick through the Internet, then next, then make sure tcp/ipv4 is checked, then allow access.

Take note of the Computer Name, then close.

You will now see incoming connections in your network connections.

If you delete this connection without deleting the user you will not be able to delete that user.

If you have deleted this connection you will need to create it again then the option to delete will appear.

No Way To Delete User

Delete User

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