Sunday, January 30, 2011

Turn On Menu Bar Internet Explorer

If your anything like me, you updated Internet explorer from 8 to 9.

Well I was having issues with YouTube not loading, maybe flash who know anyway I updated it.
The first thing I noticed is my favorites bar was missing, that was easy, click on the tools icon on the right then toolbars then enable the tool bars again.
The next was that the menu bar had no option in the toolbars to turn it on.
Anyway, go to start then in "search program and files" key in "Edit Group Policy". (Must be an administrator). Navigate your way to user Configuration\Administrative templates, Windows Components \Interenet explorer. On the right hand side under settings scroll down to "Turn On Menu Bar By Default" Double click and enable. Close down Internet explorer, then press the Alt to enable the menu bar. If the menu bar disappear like mine did and still did not appear after re-opening Internet explorer again then press Alt go to tools then windows update. After the update re-enable the menu bar in group Policies then try again. Mine worked after that
Bad Points: I just wish that if you are going to update something leave my settings alone. Blogger wouldn't work the formatting was all over the place and I could not use the Blogger spell check and generally working weird.
Good Points: One thing I did notice is that you can grab a tab by holding the left mouse and detach the tab onto a separate page.
I decided to un-install, I will wait for an update.

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