Sunday, January 30, 2011

Avtech Dvr Web View Unverified Active X Content

Update : In the latest version on Internet explorer 9 you may may not be able toi see an image in live view.
Click on tools, then make sure ActiveXFiltering is not ticked.
If so untick then press F5 to refresh the screen.

Avtech Dvr Web View Unverified Active X Content

Log into your Dvr via the web view: Mine Is -
The Ip address you selected to use is in your network settings of the Dvr.
Enter the IP address into Internet explorer Url : Eg:
You will be prompted with a

Enter the username and password. (You would have entered this when you first setup the DVR)
This information is found in your Dvr under account information.
You will need to hold down the shift key for capital letters (Verify Code).

Next you will see a yellow bar appear : "This website wants to run the following addon: Software from AVTECH (unverified publisher)".
If this does not prompt you with a yellow bar to add this add-on. Please got to tools Internet options\security tab then press the custom level button then scroll down to "download unsigned active controls" move the cursor from disable to prompt. (you will change this back later).

Try the IP address again Eg: you should now the yellow bar.
You may need to clear your cookies.
In Internet explorer go to tools, then delete browsing history.
Don't forget to get completely out of Internet explorer then re open again.
Right click on the yellow bar and run the add-on.

You should get the screenshot below

Now you should be able to see your camera in the live view mode and the Playback mode.
In Playback mode, double click on the event on the left hand side (yellow man running), you should see you footage in the right hand pane.
If you don't see the footage click on Tools, then Manage add-ons in Internet explorer.
You should see the add on earlier installed called AMCCtrl Class - Double click on  (Remove all sites)
Try the IP address again Eg: the yellow bar should appear again.
Right click on the yellow bar and run the add-on again.
Or a yellow bar at the bottom of the page click on allow. 
Once you can view events from the Playback mode, you can return the "unsigned active controls" in Internet options from prompt to disable.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I've tried what you've written, however, I can't see the images, the yellow bar appears and I accept the installation but then nothing happens.
    I have windows 7 and explorer 9!

    Thank you very much!!!
