Saturday, January 15, 2011

Move Applications Off Screen Back Onto Your Desktop

You have a dual screen setup on your pc and sometimes after running an application it moves off onto the second screen.
This may be on a Tv and difficult to move the application back, without turning on the Tv or interupting the movie your watching.
Here is how its done
I am using windows 7
1)Hold Alt then keep pressing Tab and chose the application in question
2)Hold Alt  and the Spacbar then pres M, now hold down the right arrow or the left arrow depending on which way you need to move the application back to your desktop.
3)If for some reason the appliaction off screen is maximised then hold down Alt and Spacebar and press R then Hold down Alt and Spacebar then press M, now hold down the right arrow or left arrow depending on which way you need to move the application back to your desktop.
4)I also had a situation where I needed to move windows media centre back to my current desktop.
The Alt , Spacebar  and M method did not work. Sometimes applications like this you will need to Alt Tab to the desktop in question then hold down Alt and hit enter. Your mosuse shouyld return to the main desktop. Hold down Shift and right click on Windows Media Centre icon on taskbar and click move, now press the right arrow key on the keyboard untill you see the application return to your desktop.

Other shortcuts

Hold down Alt and Spacebar and press R = Restore Down the window
Hold down Alt and Enter toggle between Full Screen and Windowed
Hold down Alt and Spacebar and press X = Maximize the window
Hold down Alt and Spacebar and press N = Minimize the window

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