Friday, January 28, 2011

Avtech798 Record from DVR to Dvd player

Connected DVR to screen via VGA using the on screen menu via mouse

Login to unit 0000
Move the mouse to the left hand menu, click on the playback icon.
Choose the channel you want to record.
Then click on the date
When you hover your mouse over the green highlightes events you will see the time change.
Choose the time you want to view.
Click on the desired time it will start to play.
Hover the mouse near the bottom of the screen and the play bar will appear.
Take note of the exact times, you need the start and finish times.
Press stop on the player.
Right click on the desktop.
Choose system
Then system
Choose DVD backup
Enter the start and end times.
Choose the channel.
Press submit on required size :
The MB will appear after it calculates the size.
Put a blank dvd in the drive and press Submit on the backup.
This will add the footage as well as the player needed to play the file.

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