Sunday, December 29, 2019

Commodore 64 - Programming Using Vice and Samples

In the early days my first PC was a commodore 64 computer, I would spent hours playing games and learning how to program, I thought it would be great to teach my 12 year son how to program using the same commodore 64 or if  you dont have one you can use an emulator like Vice :

Find the manuals here :

Basic Programming samples are found in the book and it would probably best they type it out themselves but I found a few errors so the below samples may help.

Once you have finished typing in a program you can save the image by going to snapshot then save snapshot image.

 Alternatively if you wont to load one, go the snapshot then load snapshot.

Here are a few I did  from the users guide:

Guessing game.vsf:

Hello world.vsf:

Making Music on your Commodore 64.vsf:

More bouncing balls.vsf:

Your roll.vsf:

I also found I could copy the code from the guide and paste into Vice but it needed to be converted to lower case or it would look unreadable.

To do this highlight or copy the code into notepad 2 :
then go to Edit/Convert /Lowercase, sometimes may need to convert to uppercase first then back to lowercase, once in lowercase copy the code and paste into Vice emulator by selecting edit then paste from menu.
Be warned it doesn't copy very well from the pdf user guide so you will probably have to fix some of the code anyway, also there are a lot of mistakes in the code, see my samples for some working code.
If you have any of you own Vice image files from manual please share.

Next is to build a Tobbie II robot - powered by a BBC Micro:Bit control board.

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