Friday, May 31, 2019

ScanBack Utility for Lexmark X342n Would Not Work In Win10

More Crappy software. (Shit that doesn't work)

The web interface is just as bad, you have to stuff around for hours to get that Java to work and prey there are no java updates to break it again in the future.


Anyway I have been using the ScanBack utility for some time now on win 7 and it installed and worked perfectly and now on windows 10 it cant find the network device even though I can login via the web and find it using a Ip Scantool.

To find the program once installed it's called scanwiz.exe, don't bother searching for Scanback you wont find it, you'll only find the installation.exe file. (common sense name it the same as program).

You will find it here : C:\Program Files (x86)\Lexmark ScanBack Utility\scanwiz.exe

After the installation of Lexmark_ScanBack_01162018.exe run the software and you'll find that  its meant to automatically scan your network and find the network printer or you can click on the Setup button and enter in the IP address which doesn't find the device.

Video :

The fix

Download Lexmark_ScanBack_2k.exe from :

I installed ScanBack_2k.exe in compatibility mode because normal installation said it wasn't compatible with my system.

After the compatibility installation is complete run the Scanwiz.exe again and presto it works, no need to input the IP address it should find it automatically.

Continue with the installation if it prompts you to enter a Login the do so, I entered my PC's /Network username and password but otherwise i guess you just enter admin and makeup a password.

This should place a shortcut on your desktop happy scanning.

Below is the Auto reply from Lexmark

They wanted me fill in all sorts of bullshit, the phone number didn't work for Australia, the actual phone number was a 1300 number and the survey link didn't work either.
I have a brother printer and I rang them about a TIF issue and they asked for my name and phone number and that was it, solved my problem great service. I know this is an older printer but for FFFFF sake this is appalling. If I had to update a printer it wouldn't be a Lexmark.

Thank you for contacting Lexmark e-Support regarding your Lexmark X342n.

"In order to help you as soon as possible, please send us the following information, to verify where is the specific issue located and according to that can I recommend the next steps to fix it:   

* Pin code:  
* Account name:
* Help Desk Reference Number / V-Task:   
* Contact name:  
* Cell / phone:
* Alternate Contact:                                               
* Alternate Phone number:                                               
* Alternate Email:
* Country:  
* City:  
* Province / State:  
* Address where the printer is physically located:  
* Postal Code:  
* Serial number:  
* Printer model:  
* Error Code (the complete error code is required, ex: 2XX.XX):  
*Details of the problem, a short description when the problem occurs / Message that appears on the screen:

1) History information
- Use your browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc) and enter the IP number of your printer, followed by the word "/ se";
- Enter the link "History Information" (the third in the list);
- Copy and paste in a Note Pad or PDF all the information contained in it and attach it to your answer document.
Turn off the printer;
- Hold buttons 3 and 6 of the panel;
- Turn on the printer (hold the buttons until the Lexmark screen appears);
- You will enter the "diagnostic menu";
- Select "event log";
- Next, "print event log";
- Scan in a PDF file all the pages and attach the report to your e-mail response. (including white sheets).

2) Check the system log
1 From the Embedded Web Server, click Settings or Configuration.
2 Depending on your printer model, do one of the following:
• Click Apps > Apps Management.
• Click Device Solutions > Solutions (ESF).
• Click Embedded Solutions.

Once we receive this information, we contact you and continue with the process, thanks.

Siebel Email. 

If you have any more questions or concerns, please reply and reference Lexmark Service Request Number 1-303656621802 and we will be happy to assist you.

You may also call our technical support at 800-LEXMARK (800-539-6275), Mondays through Fridays, 9am-9pm EST and; Chat support (, Monday through Friday, 9am-9pm EST.

Thank you again for contacting Lexmark e-Support."

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