Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Reclaim iCloud Storage Space

This all started when my new iPhone X for some reason ran out of iCloud storage space, but I knew that I was only backing up a few things that this could not be correct.

I rang Apple to get them to sort it and by the end of the it they just asked me to do a backup to the PC to determine if the backup size was the same as the iPhone and it was.

The problem is that the gobbledygook data found in C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup was unreadable and I could not determine what was taking up the data considering I wasn't backup much at all and the total amount of the apps were not adding up to the 5.6 gig of data storage it was telling me it needed.

Support rang back and I asked them to go through my iPhone logs /back up and determine what was going on. (awaiting a response, they never rang back or answer any of the support emails)

I've had an iPhone ever since the iPhone 3gs and have always backed up to the cloud.

Many sites tell you to reclaim your storage space by speaking to a senior adviser and asking them to release the storage, i try to ask support to do this but it did not solve the problem.


I am so so close to moving to android and taking back control of my files and how they are managed.

Its not asking much for to get apple to backup your settings and app data that's all i need, in fact that all i have switched on.

I have added up all the app data in iCloud /Manage Storage, the excel spreadsheet i made lists all the apps and data they take up which was a total of 900 Meg max, no mail, no photos/videos and no music.

I feel this is all a scam to get you to buy more storage and I've got a spreadsheet to prove it, it does not add up to 5.6 gig

The manage storage section should give you an accurate amount of space taken up by the app and as its says manage storage, give the customer the ability to delete the apps or the data in the app that is  taking up space.

You could say why don't you just back it up to the PC and yes I do that anyway but the icloud backup should reflect storage accurately.

My thoughts are that if you have turned on your photos/video's or mail at one stage then turned it off, it seems to reserve this space based on previous usage and you don't get it back.

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