Saturday, February 23, 2019

iPhone - A Device Attached To The System Is Not Functioning

For People who are not using iTunes and are copying the files over manually from iPhone to windows PC

When I transfer photos or Videos to my PC I get this error message
"A Device Attached to The System is Not Functioning"

Photos don't seem to be an issue, its large videos files over 1 Gig or copying too many videos at once will cause it.
To fix it I would unplug the iPhone then plug it back in and try again, or even turn the iPhone off then back on. Copying videos 1 by 1 was the only way I could get it to work reliably but this did not always work.

FIX that seems to work at present was to go to iPhone settings then Photos then scroll down to TRANSFER TO MAC OR PC then select Keep Originals instead on automatic


In summary - If you don't want to see the above error message above or and have to connect and reconnect all the time and spend countless hours backing up your photos manually.

1) Transfer to pc : Automatic mode : copy all videos only and not the photo's unless you want them in Heic mode which without third party software you cant view or convert

2)Transfer to pc : Originals mode : copy all photos only 
 the HEIC photos will change to JPG's.

This is what i do and yes i know it a pain but its the quickest and you will keep your sanity. APPLE PLEASE FIX 

This doesn't happen if you have a Mac this is for Windows PC's only

Every time you change modes on the iPhone you must disconnect and reconnect and enter your password.

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