Saturday, January 5, 2019

FiIe / Folder Lock - Easy File Locker

Easy File Locker :

You can either lock a file or a folder, its free and it works.

I have tested quite a few and they either say they are free and aren't or they are not reliable.

Run the program, click on the key icon, enter a password you want to lock and unlock the files/folders with.

From here you can add a file or folder, in this case I chose to add a folder, press browse (...) then select the folder, then click OK.

To lock the Files/folders click on the Green Play icon in the top left.

To unlock the Files/folders click on the Red Stop icon in the top left.

Every time you start Easy File Locker you will need to enter a password to enter the program.

If you forget the password or the you know the password and the program will not let you in for some reason (happened to me a few times) go to  C:\Users\Public\Documents\EFL
remove the user.dat file then reinstall the program

This will retain the path location and remove the password you will need to re-enter a passsword

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