Sunday, April 9, 2017

Fetch Tv Stream To Pc

When I first bought my Fetch TV I got the impression that I could stream my live TV recordings from anywhere but this is not possible, only over the LAN and even then it was not possible currently with the fetch app on an iPhone or iPad.

You would think that you could watch your recorded content locally if you were to login to the Fetch website, but this was not the case.

How to stream your recorded Fetch TV shows via VLC

Click View, then Playlists, click on Universal Plug n Play.

It will take quite while for it to detect all devices and folders, I found if I clicked on Network streams (SAP) it may speed up the UPNP discovery.

Double click on a reordering to play in VLC


To detect your stream address

download developer tools from : :

direct link:

Install then make your way to the install directory : C:\Program Files (x86)\Open Source\Developer Tools for UPnP Technologies

Run AV Media Controller.exe

Double click on the file, click on resource #1

You can enter the URL into VLC or MPC-HC

Download :

Install, the run, click open then file enter your stream address found as shown above

My Media Hub allows you to play your own music,Videos or photos from DNLA Server.

I running openmediavault as a NAS with a USB drive attached on a Raspberry Pi-3 and it will stream videos from it.

On the fetch remote click on Menu, then MyStuff, then my Media Hub.

From there you will see your STB (Fetch) recording or DNLA devices.


  1. Hey Loza I want to go the other way, i have a number of movies stored on a WD NAS that I want to play via the FetchTV box is this possible?

  2. Hi Shinksy

    Sorry for the delay I for some reason am not getting post notifications.

    As it happens I have just set up a raspberry Pi-3 running openmediavault which is basically an open source NAS. It will stream videos from it. You will need to enable DNLA in your NAS or if you are running a Plex server it also picks up any Plex shares.
    On the fetch remote click on Menu, then mystuff, then my Media Hub.
    From there you will see your STB (Fetch) recording or DNLA devices. (new pictures uploaded to the Blog "Fetch Tv Stream To Pc" )
