c:\program files\itunes\itunesadmin.dll failed to register HRESULT-2147024770
I attempted to install iTunes on a freshly installed windows 7 machine on an Samsung SSD 850 drive.
All updates has been complete and have 3 virus programs running Malwarebytes, AVG free and Microsoft Security Essentials as I have always has on all my machines.
No Mater how many versions of iTunes I tried even earlier versions with and without virus programs active also have also right clicked and ran as administrator.
Something was not quite right, was it to do with Microsoft not continuing support for windows 7 or was it the SSD drive I just bought or was it a compatibility issue with the hardware and the SSD drive.
As this was fresh copy No other apple products were installed to uninstall and the program would allow me to ignore but I didn't want to cause more issues. So I cancelled each time which removes the installation and the Program Files iTunes folder
I have numerous installs before with exactly the same installation programs and never had an issue.
I downloaded 7 Zip and extracted the iTunes6464Setup.exe into a folder.
I then ran each one starting from the top.
1) AppleApplicationSupport.msi
2) AppleApplicationSupport64.msi
3) AppleMobileDeviceSupport6464.msi
4) AppleSoftwareUpdate.msi
5) Bonjour64.msi
6) iTunes6464.msi
All Installed fine
Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. Z87X-UD3H
Intel core i7 3.4Ghz
16 Gig Ram
Windows 7 Ultimate (x64) Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Service pack 1
Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 [Display adapter]
Problem now is it runs very slow, in other words takes ages to respond then responds for while then does the same takes while to respond.
I did disabled both antivirus programs but obliviously that didn't work so I uninstalled both to be sure and iTunes installed fine and the iPhone was able to sync once again
By the way I did have Microsoft Security Essentials still installed it was never uninstalled.
I am having the same problem in similar circumstances.
ReplyDeleteI reinstalled Win 7 due to switching to an SSD drive.
Then tried to install itunes...same error exactly.
I have Win 7 SP1 x64...