Wednesday, October 5, 2016

IPS 001 IP Video Door Phone

There are different ways to connect the unit to your Phone, you can connect the unit via the network cable and set up the Wifi and network settings or connect to it via QR code which on the back of the doorphone.

The only issue is that the QR code would fade in time or if the camera stops responding you would need to disconnect the unit and wiring.

I decided I wanted to connect my unit as WiFi Connection only, I wanted to make sure I could reset and reconnect the unit without pulling it off the wall.

My only issue was getting the unit into AP mode.

What the video will show is how I connect and reset a camera doorphone and how I get the unit into AP mode without disconnecting the unit from the wall.

Username by default on mine was Admin (Capital A) password 88888 instead of the default 888888

Instructions :

If you have problems with it not displaying a picture but it seems to be connected it may have been setup on another IP address.

I originally set this up the Doorbell on a 192.168.1.... network in the old house but in the new house it was on a 192.168.0..... network but the device does show you the IP address it is connected on so that is why the camera shows up in the App but there is no picture and as it was on a different network the camera would not come up in the network IP  scanner tool.

When run for first time you will need to allow access to local private network

As you can see the search tool (hicamsearcher.exe) has picked up the IP address of

This was the old networks fixed IP address for the DoorPhone.
if you double click on the IP address or key in its IP address into your browser you can reconfigure the device.

If you get this error message its because your computer is on a different network.

Temporarily change your PC's IP address so that you can access the Doorphone.

Click on network and sharing

The password will be the one that you originally set the unit up with once you have logged in you can go to System and change the password then Parameters and change the IP address to Dynamic (DHCP) instead of Fixed Ip Address.

In my configuration I disabled the Wifi and changed my Lan connection to Dynamic

Search tool : That comes with the unit ( hicamsearcher.exe) please see below Software CD link
Software CD :

Doorphone Video Player :
If the webclient Active X Control Module prompts you after installation click Allow for all websites.

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