Monday, March 28, 2016

Winmail To Outlook

I needed to get Winmail emails from a Windows 7 machine to Outlook 2007 on a new laptop (windows 10 machine).

This was quite difficult, this is what I did.

First thing I did was export all emails from Winmail to a folder on the desktop, all this does is create a copy of the folders and emails. unfortunately you cannot do much with this as it will not import into outlook.

Because I didn't have a copy of Microsoft Outlook on the Windows 7 computer only Winmail, I grabbed another windows 7 machine that had Microsoft Outlook to work on.

I enabled the hidden Winmail on this other machine:

Once Winmail was enabled and working I imported all the files into Winmail using file import (you may be able to just copy the files straight into the Winmail folder)

Open Winmail to make sure all emails are present, close Winmail.

I then opened Microsoft Outlook and was able to Import from Outlook, Go to :(Import and export) (import from another program or file)(outlook express 4x, 5x, 6x or windows mail)(would you like to import e-mail and addresses from Microsoft Outlook Express or Windows Mail then yes)

Once imported from Microsoft outlook I exported the mail as a pst file (Import and export) (Export to a file)(Personal folder file(.pst)) select the folders and include subfolders.

Once it creates the pst file, I then took that pst file and copied it into the same folder as the other Pst files in my case C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\mybackupfiles.pst

I found that the import function does not work unless you have Winmail and Microsoft outlook on the same machine, but in most cases you are transferring the emails to another machine.

Microsoft should give you the facility to merge/import/export Winmail emails into Microsoft products, it shouldn't be that difficult.

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