Monday, January 18, 2016

HikVision Enable Recording Quick Guide

As you can see the iVMS-4200 software is telling me that one of the camera is not setup to record.

Log into your camera from your web browser

If you haven't changed your Http port to port 80 then it will be your IP address you have assigned for that camera.

Mine is if I hadn't changed the Port from 80 to 5000 Mine would be

I found it easier to enable the recording settings by logging in from the web browser as I couldn't find it in the iVMS-4200 software.

Select Configuration, then Record Schedule, then edit

From here you can assign the type of recording, most common is Motion Detection which records snapshots.

I prefer to have continuous recording as I don't want to miss anything, so I have chosen Continuous and all days.

You will need to make sure you go Basic Event, then enable motion Detection and then draw the areas you want to detect.

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