Thursday, December 24, 2015

Loza's Ness M1 Quick Help Guide

My M1 Helpfull notes

I was sick of reading the whole user and installation manual and other PDF's to find the answers I needed.

*********************************************** Ports to Forward

2601Encrypted communications port Configurable by installer. 2601 is the default.Route outside to connect with NessRP and web browser through Internet/WAN.TCP
21M1XEP Firmware UpdatesRoute outside if ElkRP will connect via Internet/WAN to download firmware updates to the M1XEP.FTP/TCP
2101Plain text communications port. Configurable by installer. 2101 is default.Not be port orwarded outside the local networkTCP
26Web BrowserRoute outside to connect with web browser through Internet/WAN.TCP
2632The M1XEP listens on this port to respond to UDP a "FIND" Command.Not be port orwarded outside the local networkUDP

Having trouble comunicating between EKPRO app and the panel

Before beginning the M1XEP setup, please ensure that the Control is programmed to transmit ASCII strings
at 115,200 baud for each of its available conditions to allow the M1XEP to provide access to the information.

Using the Keypad Installer Programming, or the ElkRP software, access the Globals Menu (Menu-07) and program yes for options 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, and 40. Verify that Option 34 is set to 115,200.

Place a tick in Event log through to Keypad keys

These need to be enabled so that the M1 tells Keypad when a zone status has changed.


Programming / Installers code : The Default is 172839
The serial number / RP Access Code : The Default 246801

M1XEP DHCP IP address : The Default is

Non-Secure Port : Values between 1024 and 49151 are valid : The Default is Port 2101 (Do not Map outside the local network)

SSL or Secure Port for encrypted communication : Values between 1024 and 49151 are valid. The Default Port is 2601.


Great desktop program for your Ness M1 is the Elk M1ToGo :

Click on the Connect Local button

 M1ToGo will do a quick search

From here click on Connect, this will use your insecure port 2101, you will need to enter your user code into M1 User Code see below.

Your user code is found here

Or if you prefer a Secure Login, Tick Use Secure Connection, you will still need to enter your M! User Code as Above.

You will see that the port has now changed to Port 2601.

Click connect, you will prompted to enter a secure username and password.

Your secure username and password is found here.

Be Careful to user correct letter case, as you can see Loza has capital "L"

If you have accidently deleted you account and its now asking for a username and password
and you happened to have Elkrp2 on another computer maybe a laptop, you can copy and paste the files from laptop back over to the pc which is having issues, make sure you take a backup first.

If it has been a while since you were connected you may be missing some updated information.
Make sure when you do log back in, that you press Receive all, then Receive all Globals first otherwise you will overwrite the information in the panel.

Files found : C:\ProgramData\RP

It worked for me



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