Thursday, October 15, 2015

Swann SWHOM-DRIVE2 Modified With Relay Output

This Home /Office /driveway alert system gives you the best of two alarms.

The doorbell that tells you when someone is at your doorstep and the 2 PIR detect movement in two zoned areas.

The Indoor Alarm Receiver detects signals sent from the PIR sensors and doorbell

Led indicators on the receiver give you a visual response for the detected signals, either zone 1, Door bell or zone 2

This unit will chime a sound when motion is detected or it can be placed in silent mode with a visual indicator only.

The doorbell has 16 selectable chimes amd an adjustable volume slide switch  (Low, Medium and High).

It has a great value price of $49 from Bunnings.

1. Sensor 1 LED Indicator
2. Doorbell LED Indicator
3. Sensor 2 LED Indicator

If you would like to add a relay output then see below

I have connected this as a Normally closed switch to my Ness M1 Alarm Automation Panel and created a rule to email me when the zone became non secure.

When either of the zones 1 or 2 detect motion the receiver unit send voltage to the BC548 transistor which then sends 4.5v to the Relay which open the contacts on the Alarm Zone.

You will need to make sure that the sensor is under cover (Carport would be good) as it seems to trigger on hot days depending on angle of the sun.

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