Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Will Asus Motherboard Work With 8TB Hard Dirve

Ok before buying an 8 TB Archive Hdd  I decided to ring Asus to make sure my motherboard and Bios was capable of reading the drive.

The Guy on the phone was helpful, I gave him what I thought was the motherboard serial which I got from Belarc but unfortunately this wasn't the number they needed.


I wasn't able to find a number on the motherboard so I retrieved the serial number from the side the motherboard box.

After a week to get an answer see below

Regarding your query, in order to support 2.2TB or larger HDD, it requires the motherboard support UEFI boot.
And the HDD need to be formatted to GPT partition.

Unfortunately, in P8P67 series, only P8P67-DELUXE support UEFI boot.
Therefore I'm sorry to inform you that this motherboard is unable to recognize 8TB capacity.

I decided to buy one and try it anyway.

To be clear I didn't need this drive to be my boot drive.

My C:/ drive was a 2T drive, as a secondary drive it formatted fine as an 8T drive.

In fact the mother tells you to format the drive as a GTP partition.

Here is my Configuration

Product Type : Motherboard
Product Model : P8P67 EVO
Place of Purchase : Centrecom
Date of Purchase : 2011/07/04

[Motherboard Specification]
Motherboard Revision : V3
Motherboard BIOS Revision : Amibios 2010

[VGA Card Specification]
VGA Card Vendor : Amd Radeon
VGA Card Model : Hd6450
VGA Card Chipset : Not important
VGA Card Driver : Not important

[CPU Specification]
CPU Vendor : Intel
CPU Type : I7-2600
CPU Speed : 3.4gig

[Memory Specification]
Memory Vendor : Not sure
Memory Model : Dimm
Memory Capacity : 8170

[HDD Specification]

[Add-on Card Specificatio]
Operating System : Windows 7 64bit

[Problem Description]
Can I use 8 terabyte drive with this motherboard.
Will it be able to format to full capacity

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