Thursday, September 17, 2015

DMX Controlled LED Stips Light Christmas Display

Letters Purchased from Plastics For Industry :

PH: 9706 3988 Cut To Size

Looking back now I probably should have done MERRY XMAS instead of MERRY CHRISTMAS

Letters Mounted On the "C"Channel still has the protective Paper

Letters Mounted On the "C"Channel protective Paper Removed and LED strips attached

Led Lights purchased from 

Tel: +86-755-29682086
Fax: +86-755-29682109
Skype: ql-sales09

Led Strip Waterproof,14.4W/m Led Strip Waterproof 

F5050S30-C-12, it is Single-Side Glued with Silicone Glue

Even though each strip has glue, I have seen the move in heat so I have cable tied each one and drilled a small 5 mm hole to mount it all the way round. I did not remove the glue or the backing.

"C" Channel For the MERRY CHRISTMAS letters Purchased from Bunnings

Convert 3 Pin XLR to Cat6 -  27 Channel DMX Controller

Here is my DMX Help Sheet :

Once you have set your DMX channel, set function 10 to On which is up, this will give you a test sequence. Place the dip switch back to off when ready to be controlled by your software.

If you are using vixen you can test each output by using their built in remote play function

You will need to run vixen first ready to play a sequence

First you will need to scan for the IP address your laptop is on

I use INET port scanner on my iPhone then type in the address into Safari this can also be done from a PC

Yes it is $4.99 but its the best app, Just works :

As you can see mine is


From windows browser type


From Safari or mobile browser type then Go if needed.


DMX controller and power supply mounted in lunchbox (LED strip lights)

DMX controller and power supply mounted in lunchbox (12v from DMX to 240v SSRelay)

If you are having issues with the SSR (solid state relay) not turning off due to its leakage current you may find that the SSR you have may have an internal snubber circuit.

I have some christmas lights on a gate that operate off a 240v to 12 dc power supply, some of the led lights on the gate would remain on even when the SSR had no signal voltage this was due to relays leakage current.

By using a couple of .22uf mains caps I was able to get it switch off fully.

3 Pin XLR Pinouts

Other Christmas Light websites

Video :

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