This embedded title shows up with different name compared to the filename.
You can't - Right click on the file then details and rename it - it wont rename
You can't - Play the movie in VLC, then tools, media info and rename title - it wont rename
You can't - use Mp3tag or TagAndRename - it wont rename
You can rename it with mkvmerge as it will remux the video.
Download windows:
Download old version :
Drag the movie into mkvmerge.
Click on the Global tab, in file/segment, rename the title to what you what it to be, then click start muxing.
This will make a copy of the file in the same folder as the original file.
You can also change the name at the top to show the name of the file not the embedded title name.
To do this open VLC, go to Tools,then Preferences, the select Show All Settings
On the left column select Input/codec, then scroll down on the right hand side to Change title according to current media.
Change the $t to say $
Finally!! This post is the final solution for this problem. Thank you very much!!!