Saturday, May 23, 2015

Switch External Monitor On Toshiba Laptop

Using windows 7

Connecting VGA or HDMI and switching them to an external monitor.

Use Function key and F5

Pressing windows key + P for projector out

If you don't have a windows key use Ctrl + Esc

Other Models

Easiest way is to hold down the function key and try all F1 - F0 Key

Fn + F3Fn + F8
Dell Fn + F8
Fujitsu Fn + F5
Gateway Fn + F3
Hewlett Packard Fn + F4 or Fn + F5
IBM Fn + F1 or Fn + F3 or Fn + F7 or Fn +F8 
Lenovo Fn + F7
NEC Fn + F3
Panasonic Fn + F2
Samsung Fn + F4 or  Fn + F5 or Fn + F6
Sharp Fn + F5
Sony Fn + F7
Toshiba Fn + F5 or Fn + F7

Windows key :

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