Yes you could use Youtube Catcher and paste each one in one by one or you can use MediaHuman YouTube Downloader :
This is a trial version so press Continue Trial
The full version at the time of the blog was $26.60 AUD worth it so you don't have to copy and paste each video into Youtube catcher.
You will need to log into your YouTube account on the PC and go to your Playlist.
I have My Playlists in Folders so in this example I have clicked on My Car Stuff folder Playlist.
Copy by dragging the URL for this folders playlist to the MediaHuman YouTube Downloader.
If you get a message like the one below, you will need to make this public for while so you can download the videos you want then make them private again later.
First Remove this failed video by clicking the X when you hover over the failed video, if you don't you will not be able to add more videos.
Next click on Playlist settings, then select Public, then save
Now drag that URL to MediaHuman YouTube Downloader once again and you will be good to go.
When you hover over the video, you can either download the files as video or slide the control over to make it an audio only file, then click on download.