Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Audi A4 Whining Sound From Rear Of The Car

I was getting a noise from the rear of the my Audi A4 2002.

The noise seems to be coming and going over the first few months of first hearing the sound.

The sound was only there when the car was started or at idle either with or without the clutch engaged.

The whining sound seemed to travel through body of the car but louder at the rear of the car.

At first i thought it could be a bearing or fuel pump.

Anyway after 6 months of putting up with the noise, it got much louder, I would pull up at the lights and hope that no one could here the whining sound.

I decided to get the car placed onto a hoist, we found that the Fuel filter was the culprit.

This is located under the rear seat behind the driver.

The fuel filter seems to last around 10 years then needs replacing, even less if you are the sort of person to fill up when your tank is low.

The filter seemed to be clogged and the whining pulsating sound was coming from filter.

Replaced the filter and the noise disappeared.

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