Sunday, October 12, 2014

Raspberry Pi B+ With AirPlay / Shairport Audio Streaming

It was time to have a bit of fun and build an audio streaming device using a Raspberry Pi.

I had a pair of powered speakers lying around in the garage and thought it would be good idea if I could stream my music from my iPhone or from my music drive straight to the powered speakers.

Just to be clear I don't claim to be a Raspberry Pi expert in any shape or form.

After around 4 hours it was complete and worked first go.

LXPanel 0.5.10

I was able to stream music from iPhone Music player and Tuneshell Player, Plex player and StreamToMe.


Click the link below to download my Image file and save you hours of work

First of all you will need a couple of things

1: win32 Disk Imager :
2: A micro sd card  and reader
3: My image file :

Install Win32 Disk Imager

If you already have a disk image file like My image file above, them scroll down to Write Disk Image.

Backing up your Raspberry Pi micro SD card is quite easy
Remove the micro SD card from your Raspberry Pi and insert it into a card reader.
Now insert the card reader into your computers USB socket
Now run Win32 Disk Imager
Choose a destination for your image file by clicking on the blue folder button, type an name for your file, in my example it was raspberrybackup.img, then press read.
Once finished you will receive a Read Successful message, press OK.

Write Disk Image

Insert a new micro SD card into the card reader and insert into your computers USB socket

Take note on the drive letter, in my case it was Device "D"

Now run Win32DiskImager.exe

The correct drive letter should self populate, if not select your Micro SD Card

You don't want to format the wrong Drive

Click on the blue folder button and select the image file raspberrybackup.img, then press write.

To Test your Raspberry Pi Audio Streamer

Insert your newly programmed Micro SD card and your network cable into your Raspberry Pi

Connect the audio out to your Hi Fi system

Power up your Raspberry Pi via the Micro Usb lead ( I used a 5v Iphone charger)

Give it a minute or so to boot, then give it a try.

IPhone, swipe up and select AirPlay then select ShairPort raspberrypi then Done.

TuneShell App - Stream From your iPhone Music using the Tuneshell App, click on the Blue AirPlay
then ShairPort raspberrypi

Plex App - Stream From your network Music drive using Plex App, click on the Blue AirPlay then ShairPort raspberrypi

ServeToMe App - Stream From your network Music drive using the ServeToMe App, click on the Blue AirPlay

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