Sunday, April 21, 2013

Converting Video Files Ready For Blogger

I had a 500 meg Video file to upload to blogger, instead of telling me the file was too big and what the maximum file size was I could upload, the file started uploading.

After some time it came back that the upload had failed.

My guess was that the maximum file size I could upload was around 100 meg?.

The quickest way to convert a video is using the video converter in Atube catcher but I ended up using Winff and converted it to QuickTime preset QuickTime h.264 video super High quality.

Converting this video to a high quality avi in Atube catcher the file size went from 500 meg to 150 meg which was still too big for blogger video to upload.

After converting it to QuickTime in Winff the file size sent from 500 meg to 13 meg, what a difference.

Unfortunately viewing the video in blogger I was disappointed in the way blogger viewed the videos especially in full screen view.

I decided to take the QuickTime 13 meg file and upload the video to YouTube and place a link in the blog instead.

In YouTube you can set the picture quality, with Blogger Video you can't.

aTube Catcher :

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