Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Traffic Lights Project

It started when I purchased a Garage Parking Sensor so that my wife could park the car without hitting the wall unit and still have room to close the garage door.

One day I went to a Hobby come raceways shop that had a life size Traffic light on display and when I asked where they got it from they offered me a secondhand one.

After cleaning it up I tested it and it all worked.

I then removed all 240v wires.

I then began to rewire the old 6" traffic light to allow it to work on the larger traffic light.

When you open the 6" traffic light you will find a few transistors that operates the Red, Amber and the Green lights. (See attached diagram)

The centre leg of those three transistors feed three relays which then provide 12volts to the X 2150 Led 6watt globes. (Altronics)

To make the globes, I took the 240Volt Edison globes and broke the globe, that left me with three 240v sockets. (Be careful when taking out the glass from the socket, the strong glue which you will need to break away from the socket without damaging the socket is hard to remove).

I then got a halogen socket X 2142 from Altronics, soldered one end of the Halogen socket wire to the middle of the 240v socket and the other end of the wire to the chassis of the 240v socket.

I then filled the 240v empty socket (now with a halogen socket mounted inside) with hot glue.
You will need to hold this in place for 3 minutes or so till cool.

You now need to screw this socket into the traffic lights and then insert the Led globes.
(Take note of the orientation of the globes, they will only work in the one direction)

The rest of the wiring you will need to follow the attached diagram.

To help I will briefly explain.

I connected a 12v 2 amp plug pack (power supply) to a 9volt 7805 regulator.

The 12v was fed to the regulator and to the three relays.

The other end of the regulator will give you a fixed 9 v output which is used to power the Garage Parking Sensor as well as provide 9v switching voltage to the three led traffic lights.

Video :

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