Saturday, May 19, 2012

Create Virus Scanner Cd

Want to create Bootable multiple Virus cd

New Version -

Click on the blue download button on the right, if the download does start right click and select download.

On the left hand side check that the download is working

In some cases I found that once the download finished the ISO needed to be renamed to the default name so that the program could recognize it.

Just hover over the file to see the name it should be renamed to.

 Make sure you have set the ISO folder as all the ISO need to be in this folder


Click on Download then Select ISO Folder

Once all files are downloaded click on USB then Create USB

Make sure you have your USB plugged in

You will need to download : Shardana Antivirus Rescue Disk Utility :

Be carful when installing it will prompt you a number of times to install other software including toolbars please press deny when asked.

Avg does pick it up on one Pc as virus this is a false positive, you may need to make an exception rule in Avg.

Once installed you can download the Iso's desperately through the program by clicking each virus / software button or see below for links to most of them.

Download some ISO's

avg :
Bit defender :
Dr Web :
F-secure :
Kaspersky :
Avira :
Panda : (needs to go into extras folder)
escanrd :
Microsoft defender offline : (run the exe file then it will download as iso to pc)
Malwarebytes : (needs to go into extras folder)
Gdata :
Vbarescue :
pctools :
Acronis Backup and Security :

You will find some files will download as an EXE, please see my blog on how to convert
an exe to iso :

Install Shardu, look inside the installation folder you will find a folder named ISO.
Copy all the Programs/Virus Iso's into this folder.
Run the Sardu.exe file then on the right press the CD or the Usb stick.
It will take a while to create the necessary file.
Watch this for a tutorial :
Definitely worth a donation.

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