Sunday, July 17, 2011

Create Copy Of Your Folders Without Contents

I needed to create a copy of 200 or so folders but without the contents, some folders had subfolders and more subfolders.

I only needed the root folders, not the subfolders

To do this manually was going to take some time.

So this is my method

I used renamer :

Install and run renamer, tick Dirs only, click on the yellow folder on the right that says Change Directory To Scan For Files.

Chose your folder to scan, press ok, press file, export file, press the box next to File To Write, type a name say test, then press save

In the Line Format "%n" then ok

Go to the location of  the test.txt file and open it.

Copy the contents of the text file and copy into a new excel sheet in Column A Row 2, leave A1 free

We now need to create this in a txt list but comma delimited.

Eg one,two,three,four etc

See :

Now your list should look like this

Go to save as then in the save as type dropdown box, choose Text (Tab delimited)(*.txt), create a name then press save.

It should now look like this

Copy the contenst of your new Text Tab delimited text file, into a word document

In word, on the right hand side, click on Replace, then press the more button.
In the replace with box type "," (the comma character)
Click on special, then tab character, press replace all.

Copy the content : one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve
into a text document.

You can now use this program to create folders, In the trial version it only allowed me to create about 20 folders.

Download Folder maker 2.1 :

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