Thursday, June 9, 2011

Nanostation 2.4 Ghz Setup

To connect this to your network you will need to know what you Ip address is for your  home computer.

Eg my Ip address is on

My modem is at

The Nanostations Ip address by default is

So I needed to get my PC to instead of

My network is configures with a static ip

How to change the network settings

In XP right click on My Network Places, then Properties, right click on local area network, then Properties, double click on Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).Now gow to (1)

In windows 7 click on windows explorer

Right click on Network, then Properties, click on change adapter settings, right click on local area network, then Properties, double click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).

(1) If "use the following Ip address" is filled in please write down these settings you will need to place these settings back in later.

Click on Use the following Ip address and enter
subnet of & gateway

With the DNS server click on Use the following DNS server addresses, In the preferred DNS server type

Once done, open up the web browser and type into the url section

When a login window appears type in ubnt for the username and password.

Click on the network tab, in the IP Address: type or whatever ip address you want to give the Wireless access point. (make sure its an ip address far away from other computers)

Netmask: - Gateway IP & Primary DNS IP: or whatever you gate Ip address is.

Press change at the bottom

Now that its all configured, Internet explorer will probably disappear and to log back in you will need to use your new wireless ip address of in the URL section, but before you do this you will need to
configure your computer back to

In windows 7 click on windows explorer

Right click on Network, then Properties, click on change adapter settings, right click on local area network, then Properties, double click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).

Click on Use the following Ip address and enter the settings you wrote down earlier.

Mine was IP = - Subnet = & Gateway = & DNS =

To check if you have configured everything correctly in Internet explorer url, type
you should see the login box if so enter ubnt and ubnt password.

Change all the settings wep key etc.

Now grab a device and try it.

The wireless device will pickup the wireless network and the Nanostion will route it straight to your gateway (your modem) all done.

Picures Below Of My Setup

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