Sunday, May 29, 2011

Media Player 12 Deletes Library

Your Media Player 12 updates the library and when finished it starts to delete the library to zero.

This all started when I found that the folder.jpg files were changed to 200 x 200.

See :

This registry fix worked to stop the folder.jpg files being changed.

I then deleted all music.

From a back up drive, I copied all the music back with the correct folder.jpg 300 x 300 size.

When I ran media player its started to update the music, then after a while it deleted all the music.

The graphics of Media Player went white and then it locked up.

I tried to delete the .wmdb files in the media player folder so that it can recreate new .wmdb files, but it deleted the files.
After many days of fault finding and a phone call to Microsoft who wouldn't help because I had a copy of an Oem key. As an Installer of many PCs, I had to contact my supplier to get them to ring Microsoft for help.

Great help

Anyway, I decided to copy a few artists at a time, it worked.

So I searched the net for "Media Player Library Won’t Let You Add Files"

I found this :


If I copied more than 32750 files this would reverse the library back to zero

The trick was to delete the whole collection and this time only add up to 30,000 files.

To do this I would highlight some of the artists and then go to properties.

If under 30,000 files, I would copy this to the managed library folder.

In media player the music library should now soon start to update the library

Once all the files have copied wait for media player to finish updating the music

When done close media player.

Open media player, keep your eye on the bottom right hand side you will soon see update complete

Now Copy and paste the next lot of music under 32750 files.

Media player will start to update the files as it is copying, wait for media player to finish updating the music

Then close it again, the restart again, keep doing this process until all music is copied.

Worked for me, after 2 weeks of fault finding its finally done.

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