Monday, April 25, 2011

Adobe Will Not Install On 64 Bit Windows 7 Machine

I have a friend that couldn't get her brand new PC to open pdf's, Youtube or even Farmville in Facebook.

She tried to download the latest version of adobe Reader, Flash Player, Shockwave player 

from : but after the install nothing worked.

In the Internet Explorer menu go to Tools, then manage add-ons.

You would see if any adobe add-ons have been installed, none had, even though it went through the installation fully.

What I did to fix this.

It turns out there is a 32 bit and 64 bit Internet explorer.

Go to start, then All Programs, then you will see both versions.

By default a 32 bit internet explorer shortcut is placed on the taskbar.

To see your version, Run Internet Explorer from your taskbar, then go to Menu, then Help, then about Internet Explorer.

I deleted the 32bit shortcut and placed a new 64 bit Internet Explorer shorcut in the taskbar.

Some add-ons don’t support 64-bit.


Internet explorer :

Other browsers :

Extra information on this see :

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