Sunday, February 13, 2011

Protect My Kids On The Internet

You want some sort of internet filtering on your children's pc.
It easy
Step 1 ) Go to :
Step 1 ) Go to :
Step 2) Creat an account, it should be in the top right hand corner near login.
Step 2) Creat an account, enter you details on the rights hand side under : Create a free account
Step 3) Once your account is activated (check your emails to confirm your activation registration)
Step 3.5) Login to opendns.: : top right hand corner.
Step 4) One of the tabs at the top should say Dashboard, click on this then settings under that.
Step 5) Enter the computer your protecting Wan Ip address (this can be done by going to
Step 6) Take note of your Ip address and add it to the "Add a network" settings section of opendns.
Step 6)Take note of your Ip address and enter this into the ip address area then click on :Add This Network".
Step 7) Underneath "Your networks" you should now see that Ip Address.
Step 8) Now click on the ip adress which should be underlined.
Step 9) You can now configure the amount of protection needed for your child. Choose custom if you would like to configure the protection yourself depending on the age of the child.
Step 10) Either enter these DNS settings into your modem/router or into the pc you want protected.
Be aware that entering these settings into your modem would effect everyone connected to the modem
If you decide to add these DNS settings into the pc you want protected, then only that pc will be blocked.

To enter the settings in windows 7 go to Start, Control Panel, Network and Internet, Network & sharing, Change adapter settings, right click on Network Area Connection, Properties, Scroll down to Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4). In The Preferred DNS Server enter : and Alternate DNS Server :, then click ok then ok again.
In xp right click on My Network Places, Right click on Local Area Network, scroll down to Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) click on it, In The Preferred DNS Server enter : and Alternate DNS Server :, then click ok then ok again.
It can take up to 3 minutes to update all the servers before you can test.
Also clear your cashe files : In Internet Explorer go to tools then Delete Browser Histoy.
To Enter the DNS settings into your modem, you will need your modem manual to configure this.

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