Thursday, January 6, 2011

windows/system32/config/system file is missing

After using combofix to remove those hidden stubborn viruses you get the message windows/system32/config/system file is missing.
Please note that if you have got to this, most likely you have some bad viruses.
First take out the drive place it into another pc virus check it first then back up all your files.
Even though you may get your pc going again you will probably need to re-install XP.

Try this at your own risk, it worked for me

You will need to boot the system into the recovery console

1. Place the Windows XP cd into drive
2. Turn the computer off
3. Setup the computer to boot from cd by pressing F2 or F9 or Delete to get into the bios.
Dell computers use F12.
4. You will get a message to "Press any key to boot from the cd" Press enter.
5. Windows setup will initialize
6. You will see a " Welcome to Setup screen" press R to repair windows using recovery console.
7. Setup examines your hard drive.
8. You will be prompted to choose a Windows installation. Press 1 on the top of the keyboard and then
9. If you are asked to enter the Administrator password then enter now. Press Enter if you have no password.
10. From the dos promp enter

chkdsk /p (gap between k and /)

11. Type exit this will reboot the pc.

12. Press F8 to enter safe mode, scroll down to the option "Advanced Options Menu".
13. Choose the Last Known Good Configuration.
14. If this did not boot into xp return to Windows recovery console.
15. From Dos prompt

cd  \

cd system~1

If you get error message access denied, follow instructions below otherwise go to 19.

cd windows

cd system32
cd config

ren system system.bak

16. Type exit this will restart the computer.

17. Return to covery console
18. From Dos prompt enter
cd  \
cd system~1

19. Type

cd _resto~1

20. If you get an error that there is no restore points follow steps below

cd  \

cd windows

cd system32

cd config

copy c:\windows\repair\system system

21. If you are get a message "file not found error"

copy c:\windows\repair\system.bak system

copy c:\windows\repair\security security

copy c:\windows\repair\software software

copy c:\windows\repair\sam sam

copy c:\windows\repair\default default


22. Reboot, all should work

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