Sunday, December 26, 2010

Pc keeps rebooting

This will most likely be a virus which has caused you to loose important files needed for booting the pc

This may get you back up and going again, but you will need to back up your files first.

Take the drive out of the pc and and place into another pc to get those files backup.

You can use an removable docking station like this one. It connects via a usb lead.

You may have only damaged the boot up part of the drive, your information will hopefully still there.

Do not go any further until you have backed up your important files.

You have a pc that will not boot or keeps rebooting xp pro
Quickest way to fix it with too much work is to take the drive out place it into another xp machine.
Make sure you have the boot order right.
If you are unsure, while the power to the pc is off connect the sata power cable only. Once you have rebooted and the pc is operational, connect the sata data cable.
This will now detect as second drive.
Right mouse on that drive, Properties, then tools, then check volume for errors, then press now and tick both boxes.
It will now probably tell you that it will check for errors on next boot.
After it has rebooted and all it has fixed all errors, shutdown the pc
Remove drive and place it back into the original pc, all should be ok.

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