Thursday, November 4, 2010

VoIP 7404vg0-m TPG

I just got connected with naked ADSL it took approx. 3 weeks.

This was not to bad, we did have Internet tethering through our iPhone during that time.

Anyway we got our settings by the 2nd week and I placed them into the modem, as well as the Voip settings for the phone.

The modem is a Billion 7404vg0-m.

VoIP Wizard

Voice QoS

DSCP Marking = Premium
Setting for Phone Port 1 Select Profile

SIP Service Provider = 

Phone Number = given to you by your provider

Authentication Username = same as Phone Number

Authentication Password  = given to you by your provider

Setting for Phone Port 2 = Same as Phone Port 1


General Settings

SIP Device Parameters Advanced

SIP = Enable
Silence Suppression (VAD) = Disable

Echo Cancellation = Enable
RTP Port = 5100
Region = Australia

DSCP Marking = Premium

Setting for Phone Port 1 Select Profile

SIP Service Provider =

Phone Number = given to you by your provider

Authentication Username = same as Phone Number

Authentication Password = given to you by your provider

Setting for Phone Port 2 = Same as Phone Port 1

If your having troubles check your status tab in the modem

Port Status  should show Ethernet, adsl, wireless, phone 1& phone 2 should have a tick. If you do not have a tick, then login to your Tpg account and reset the password. This password is not your modem password.
Just create new password it will work. Be aware if you change settings you must press the sync button in the general settings then apply and reset modem. Also note that the Internet connects first them the phone takes another 20 seconds or so after that,so be patient.

All worked first go for me, but when I dialled a mobile number it would not work.
All landlines worked fine & even dialling from a mobile to home worked.
I rang Tpg, they asked me to try it a few times as they tried a few changes, by the third time i needed to wait 15 minutes the said and it should work. It did.


Questions people want to know

Can you use your standard telephone that was previously used before you got naked adsl.
I was using a Uniden digital Clarity 5.8Ghz on a telstra line adsl2 & now that I have naked dsl it still works.

How do you dial to a land line
Make sure you put an area code Eg 0399999999

How do you dial to a mobile number
Just dial as normal Eg.0401444444

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