Sunday, October 10, 2010

Slingplayer Iphone

Another fine product.
Before I started to use the media sling player, I was using mediaguide for vista, unfortunately this did not work with windows 7, so I decided to try this unit.
How to Install:
Download and run slingplayer for pc, then go to settings, setup assistant and enter a name for your slingbox user name and password.
Go to connect, then slingbox directory, add a new slingbox then enter a the slingbox id from underneath the slingbox. The Ip address and port number you need to forward is also under the slinbox properties information area.
Using my iPhone I downloaded slingplayer mobile, cost was approx $37.00.
Yes this just worked.

If the unit stops working for some reason, maybe after an update, then run slingplayer for pc, then go to settings, setup assistant, then setup Internet viewing, then click next and follow instructions.
If you don't know the modems user name and password just tick the box.
Click on your router or just tick my modem not listed. You will now see your slingbox settings ip address and port number etc, click change then next then apply and done.

Your up and going again.

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