Using windows 7, I couldn't get wbfs wii manager to show covers.
You could try changing Windows7 security privileges and work it out or just download wiisync.
Wbfs manager places covers in C:\Users\username\Documents\WBFS Manager Covers.
you will see that you have all the png there but no file size.
Close wbfs
Go to : and download wbfssync.
Go to your folder where you downloaded WBFSSync-2.0.08
Run WBFSSync.exe
It looks like windows explorer.
Choose the drive letter that corresponds to your wii drive.
This will start to download all the covers.
Go to your folder where you downloaded WBFSSync-2.0.08, you will find directory called covers, copy all png's to C:\Users\username\Documents\WBFS Manager Covers.
Now run wbfs, go to edit, then tick show covers, now when you hover over the game your covers will show.