Monday, April 12, 2010

Pin Url To Windows 7 Taskbar

Fixed = An easier way now with Internet Explorer 9 - They are finally listening


Want to Pin a url to windows 7 taskbar but can only pin a program, its annoying isn't it.
I've been able to work out a way using some information from "pin individual folders to the windows 7 taskbar" & then working out the rest.
(**********Please try this at your own risk***********)
say we want a Facebook icon on taskbar
1. go to facebook and drag the url small icon next to it to ( c:/Users/User(your pc's name/Appdata/Roaming/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Quick Launch/User Pinned /Taskbar )
now go to the desktop create a txt file name it say facebook.exe make sure you have you have extension turned on in folder options or it will only save it as txt file.
it will ask you to confirm the name extension to exe say yes.
if you have done it right you will see a picture icon not a txt icon.
drag the icon onto the taskbar
right click on the picture and then right click again on facebook go to properties
Leave this open go back to (c:/users/user(your pc's name/appdata/roaming/microsoft/internet explorer/quick launch/user pinned/taskbar)
You will find two names labelled facebook (shortcut) & the other something like log in facebook(internet shortcut).
You need the internet shortcut right mouse on it go to properties then go to the general tab
right mouse on the location address (eg c:\users\user\appdata\roaming\mic........) press sellect all then copy & past into the facebook properties windows you have open.(also take note of the name of the internet shortcut mine was Welcome to Facebook)
You need delete and paste this in the target location it should look like this
c:\users\user your pc's name\appdata\roaming\microsoft\internet explorer\quick launch\user pinned\taskbar\ (but at the end of this you will need to add the description in the internet shortcut. It should look like this (c:\users\user your pc's name\appdata\roaming\microsoft\Internet explorer\quick launch\user pinned\taskbar\Welcome to Facebook.url) make sure there is no quotation marks.
Done link in the taskbar should work. Now to fix the picture.
Download "Sib Icon Editor", there is a free trial version on web or whatever icon maker you like
open new icon 48x 48 minimize, now go to Google, key in ,go to images, then show options, then click on icon, find an icon about 48 x 48 right mouse, then copy and past into the icon program, now save as facebook.ico into the c:\windows directory.If you have trouble coping the facebook.ico file to the windows directory go to control panel then user accounts then change user account control settings(uac) then reduce security so the file can be copied, after woods place back to the original position..
Right mouse on the new Facebook shortcut url on the taskbar then right mouse on Facebook then properties then shortcut then click on change icon press browse the windows directory and find the Facebook icon press ok. Now this is the weird thing the icon doesn't always appear straight away but trust me it will.

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